Engaging Women and Youth In Internal Displacement Contexts: A Path to Sustainable Peace and Development

Engaging women and youth in developing countries, particularly those affected by conflict and war, is of paramount importance for fostering sustainable peace and development. These demographic groups represent a significant portion of the population and their inclusion is essential for various reasons. In this article, we will discuss the importance of engaging women and youth in war-torn developing countries through seven compelling examples.

Catalysts for Economic Growth:

Engaging women and youth can stimulate economic growth in war-torn regions. When provided with education and opportunities, they can become a skilled and productive workforce, contributing to economic development. This growth helps reduce poverty and instability, addressing root causes of conflict.

Inclusive Governance:

Including women and youth in governance processes promotes inclusivity and diversity, which can lead to more balanced decision-making. Their perspectives and experiences bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table, improving the effectiveness of policies and programs.

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution:


Women and youth often bear the brunt of conflict, but they can also play pivotal roles in peacebuilding and conflict resolution efforts. Their unique perspectives and grassroots connections can help build bridges, mediate disputes, and promote reconciliation in war-torn communities.

Education and Skill Development:

Providing education and skill development opportunities to young people, especially girls, can break cycles of poverty and conflict. When youth have access to quality education and vocational training, they become better equipped to contribute positively to society.

Gender Equality:

Empowering women in war-torn regions is not just a matter of equality; it’s a strategic imperative. When women have equal access to resources, education, and decision-making, societies tend to be more stable and prosperous. This empowerment can lead to reduced vulnerability to conflict.

Social Cohesion and Community Resilience:

Engaging youth in community activities and development projects helps strengthen social cohesion and build community resilience. When young people are involved in constructive activities, they are less likely to be recruited into armed groups or engage in violence.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Engaging women and youth aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). Progress toward these goals is crucial for the long-term stability and prosperity of war-torn developing countries.



Engaging women and youth in developing countries, especially those ravaged by war, is not just a matter of inclusivity; it’s a strategic imperative for peace and sustainable development. The examples provided highlight the multifaceted benefits of empowering these demographics, from economic growth and gender equality to peacebuilding and community resilience. To unlock the full potential of these regions, policymakers and organizations must prioritize the active involvement of women and youth in their efforts.

About Maggie

* I am a certified Peace and Conflict Consultant (Akademie fur konflikttransformation - Forum ZFD/ Germany) * Project Advisor at Civil Peace Service/ GIZ Kenya

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