Hello There,
I am Maggie, a certified and seasoned capacity development expert, a certified Peace and Conflict Consultant from the Akademie für Konflikttransformation (Academy for Conflict Transformation) of the Forum ZFD and a Sociologist (BA).
I am passionate about many things; from the small things such as a beautiful dawn to life-size stuff such as new life, world peace, etc.
My passions feed into my one philosophy: Life to the Fullest for Everyone (MYSELF included).
My Work Background:
- Analysis and mapping of contexts and stakeholders/ actors
- Knowledge Management and Sharing
- Facilitating community processes: from assessments of context and stakeholders to designing development projects, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
- Project management and strategic planning: from conceptualization, planning and budgeting to the development of relevant proposal documents, implementation, M&E, Reporting…
- Data Processing: critical analysis, interpretation, contextualization and sharing of information with relevant stakeholders/ actors in in disaster, conflict, displacement and other development-related contexts
- 10+ years’ experience working on disaster- and conflict-related displacement, conflict-affected environments, and managing political sensitivities
- Capacity development: equipping (through participatory training) multiple stakeholders/ actors with relevant skills and knowledge to address different issues affecting their community as well as manage their relationships with other stakeholders including donors
- Development of capacity-building modules for diverse stakeholders, and contextualization of existing information for diverse actors based on their identified capacity gaps and needs.
- Creation of modules for capacity development based on the needs and gaps of the different stakeholders as identified through the initial context assessment/ analysis and stakeholders’ mapping processes
- Training Facilitation: I am a seasoned trainer
- Networking and collaboration: Mapping of partners organisations and stakeholders, organizational capacity development, mentoring throughout project management, maintenance of communication and communication channels for professional relationships, and networking for sustainable results
- Advanced Information technology and computer skills; Use of digital tools for work including GIS mapping tools, MS Office, Planning tools (Trello, X-Tiles, Google, Outlook, MS -Teams, …). I also own and run this website where I share information and tools in humanitarian and development work
- Working in the context of Flight: refugees internal displacement, host communities, external (national and international actors
Professional Background
MA International Studies, BA (Sociology), and multiple certifications and specializations in diverse fields in the Development Work arena including:
- Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
- Gender, Human Security, Peacebuilding, and Conflict Transformation
- Mediation
- Training Facilitation and Andragogy
- Facilitating Community Processes
Online: Online, Research and writing Skills
I am an avid researcher and an expert writer (also published on Amazon KDP), and a Creative DIY genius with over a decade’s experience. I own and create content (on my various niches) on my various websites and related social platforms.
I train freelancers on multiple Internet-based platforms and their optimization
Development Work:

Coaching services and personal development
DIY creatives